George Karl Says “Lack Of Fathers Teaching Them” Is Why Boogie/Melo Didn’t Like Him

From George Karl’s new book, Furious George (which is actually a bomb title): Get this out of the way first: it’s not a crazy thing to say that somebody not having leadership in their life has negatively affected them. I always felt Lebron wasn’t as polished or calm in clutch situations like MJ and Kobe because Bron’s never had the caliber of coaches they had (Dean … Continue reading George Karl Says “Lack Of Fathers Teaching Them” Is Why Boogie/Melo Didn’t Like Him

Top 5 Snakes in the NBA

Off the backs of the Nick Young/D’Angelo Russell story, which we’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg of, we recognize that D’Angelo Russell’s not the first snake in NBA history, and hopefully won’t be the last. 5. Jason Richardson Most of these are going to be “he slept with his wife/girlfriend” type scenarios. Because that’s what happens in the NBA, they all sleep around. … Continue reading Top 5 Snakes in the NBA