MLB Kicks Off with Impressive Pace Going by Initial Numbers

Major League Baseball, 2018 season is here yet again. By now you must know this if you do not reside under a rock. As with any anticipated play, a lot of talk is going around about different players including names like Cano, Ohtani, Harper and many others. Word about blow ups and dust ups is certainly making rounds. Of course, the MLB observers and insiders … Continue reading MLB Kicks Off with Impressive Pace Going by Initial Numbers

The Top 5 Soups To Throw At Coaches

New story with @WindhorstESPN: JR Smith was suspended on Thursday for throwing a bowl of soup at Cavs assistant coach Damon Jones — Dave McMenamin (@mcten) March 2, 2018 Answers to life's most burning questions: J.R. Smith's soup of choice? Chicken tortilla — Jason Lloyd (@JasonLloydNBA) March 3, 2018 Tweeted it out in the instance, but I’ll say it again here. Who knew that … Continue reading The Top 5 Soups To Throw At Coaches

NBA Pretenders and Contenders

While the all-star break is not the exact halfway point of the NBA season, it is the time for teams to exhale and monitor their place in the standings prior to the second half push. The Golden State Warriors have cemented their place atop the NBA in recent years, and while most came into the season thinking it was the Warriors and then everyone else, … Continue reading NBA Pretenders and Contenders

Yes, People Really Don’t Understand Why Chief Wahoo is Problematic

Chief Wahoo is iconic. He’s a symbol of the history and legacy of Cleveland baseball. Indians were the first professional baseball team to have a player of Native American descent. The chief was created out of honor, not racism. Never will I stop embracing him. #KeepTheChief — Realistic CLE Fan (@RealistCLEFan) January 29, 2018 I'm sorry but if you are offended by a cartoon Native … Continue reading Yes, People Really Don’t Understand Why Chief Wahoo is Problematic

Crossover Report Person Of The Year Nominees

2017 saw the emergence of new stars across the sporting spectrum. Not talking about on the court stuff, but off the court stuff. This was the year of people embracing their true selves, and a lot of the credit for that goes to the culture for praising it. Without us on Twitter gassing up Shannon Sharpe, there’s no way he’s on whatever that FS1 show … Continue reading Crossover Report Person Of The Year Nominees

Sign Our Petition For Lavar Ball To Play Donald Trump in 1 on 1 For the Presidency

The tweets have to stop: It wasn’t the White House, it wasn’t the State Department, it wasn’t father LaVar’s so-called people on the ground in China that got his son out of a long term prison sentence – IT WAS ME. Too bad! LaVar is just a poor man’s version of Don King, but without the hair. Just think.. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November … Continue reading Sign Our Petition For Lavar Ball To Play Donald Trump in 1 on 1 For the Presidency

5 NBA-Inspired Halloween Costumes

Ah yes, Halloween. A holiday that, very similar to my athletic career, peaks around age 11. Even though you’re not going to go door to door asking for candy, you’re still going to need a costume to help you make small talk at whatever soiree you’re headed to. And by “a costume to help you make small talk”, I of course mean a fire outfit … Continue reading 5 NBA-Inspired Halloween Costumes

Trump, Protests, and the “Privilege” of Playing in the NFL

As one tweeter said in a lame but effective cliche, sports have always been a slam dunk for Presidents. It’s an easy way to relate to the entire country without having to do something as outrageous as saying you carry hot sauce in your purse at all times. Whether it’s dropping a sports reference in a campaign or having a team to the White House, … Continue reading Trump, Protests, and the “Privilege” of Playing in the NFL

“Ball In The Family” Is About To Run The Kardashians Off The Air

There’s a 10/10 chance I’m biased coming into this. But Ball in the Family’s the absolute best reality show I’ve ever watched. Not even doing a shtick, it’s captivating. When they first announced it, I thought it would be some lame following them around documentary. Even though it’s Lavar, I still didn’t know how open they would be. But yowzas, they’re doing it. Let’s break … Continue reading “Ball In The Family” Is About To Run The Kardashians Off The Air

Navigating The Strange World That Is JR Smith’s Twitter Likes

It’s rare in the blogosphere that we get to write about things we’re truly passionate about. Often, blogs are confined to writing their reactions to a basketball game, or thoughts on a trade rumor. So when an opportunity to write about something you’re actually passionate about comes around, you jump on it. Maybe that thing you care about is race relations in America, or the … Continue reading Navigating The Strange World That Is JR Smith’s Twitter Likes