MLB Kicks Off with Impressive Pace Going by Initial Numbers

Major League Baseball, 2018 season is here yet again. By now you must know this if you do not reside under a rock. As with any anticipated play, a lot of talk is going around about different players including names like Cano, Ohtani, Harper and many others. Word about blow ups and dust ups is certainly making rounds. Of course, the MLB observers and insiders are keeping an eye on every happening. It goes without saying that many changes are occurring and others are still to come. Fans will definitely be kept in their toes in this regard. Above all, keeping tabs with the online baseball odds for each game will be in order. It could be a bruising battle that will be rewarding to the most deserving players in the end.

The league has seen some rule changes in which many fans are not aware. The pace of play has been heightened keeping every fan deeply engaged in the games. The change of rules are designed to keep the game moving and by the look of things, it is working really well. Having said the above, it is critical for every fan to know what these changes entail. Are they drastic changes that will transform the face of the play? According to commissioner Manfred, if players can average 2 hours and 55 minutes on the games per 9 innings this season, he will not impose the 20-second pitch clock in the next season.

With just a few days into the season, the mark set by Manfred is not quite there. The target is six minutes short. This way, the pitch clock is yet to be implemented in the ideal way. Matters to do with the pitch clock are just one element that players and fans are focused on. There are other aspects including getting challenges on the calls and replays done much faster. Speeding these up will definitely make for a better experience for the fans. On average, replays are taking 1:24 from the challenge to the ruling as per last week in the ongoing season.

It is worth noting that this is the lowest average time ever in the league since the replay became part of the game. There are other sets of data expected about the games which include the limited mound visits and how they will affect the game. In a few days, this information will shed more light into the whole limited mound change. All in all, there is nothing out of the ordinary for the league and it looks like a very impressive start of the season.

Most fans will be watching to see whether this calm will be sustained by the time the regular season is ending. There is no question that sub-stories may crop up even as the league continues. Whatever happens, fans are eager to see their preferred sides step up in nothing short of a trilling engagement on the pitch. At the moment, the pace of play is trending and in the coming weeks, it will be interesting to see how it all pans out.

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