New Jordan-Pippen Story Proves MJ Had Gambling Addiction

Every now and then, we get a new Jordan story about him and one of his teammates. There’s the punching guys in practice. Trash talking teammates so bad that they never play in the league again. Then there’s this one…

Told by some reporter that used to work for the Bulls, on The Lowe Post today, the story goes that Jordan used to get to the stadium so early that the guys in charge of the jumbotron were still practicing their in-game antics.

For instance, those race games they do. With like a pizza slice, hot dog, and pretzel. Something along those lines. And Jordan would watch them working on the games, and ask them who they were going to have win when it was played during the game.

And then used that insider training to bet Scottie Pippen $1,000s during games, over a 4 or 5 year span before Scottie caught on.

Blame Scottie for being stupid. But this just shows you can’t deny Jordan had and has a big old gambling issue, and was certainly suspended that whole year that he decided to “take off to play baseball”. Don’t tweak.



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