D’angelo/Swaggy Saga Part 2: Fameolous Speaks Out

“I’m just upset the media didn’t contact us before airing our story. ESPN made everyone think he leaked it but he didn’t. That should have been established first.”-Fameolous

The story behind the story often flies under the radar, despite setting the framework for every headline that follows. Such is the case of the emergence of the Nick Young cheating video, and its publisher, Fameolous.

Let’s get caught up on what’s happened since our last article. D’angelo Russell faced the music in front of reporters, and with tears in his eyes, spoke about Nick Young as “my brother” and someone he doesn’t want to lose. “I know I’ve lost everyone’s trust, but I’m going to work my tail off to gain it back,” said Russell. Say what you want about him, but for a 20 year old, that shows a level of class, professionalism, and heart that most league vets wish they had.

After all of that, we contacted the folks behind the story: Fameolous. They’ve become the new TMZ, and were the first one’s with the video. We wanted to learn not only details of the story, but details of the story behind the story. Forget First Take and them, what’s Fameolous’s take on the saga?

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Fameolous took to public Twitter to answer these, and their answers can be seen below in a series of Tweets:

When you watch the video (attached here), it’s a wiffleball insult. Talk about thin skin from Nicki Minaj. Iggy Azalea more or less said “I don’t worry about that stuff”, and the response was to leak a video of her fiancee admitting to cheating? Yikes. What I still do not understand, and what Fameolous also didn’t seem to quite get, was how the alleged member of the Nicki Minaj team came about the video. It’s too long for a Snapchat video, so the only real explanation is that this was the action of D’Angelo Russell’s angry ex-girlfriend sending the video to herself, and then passing it on to people that sent it to Fameolous.

Fameolous also said that neither Nick Young, D’Angelo Russell, or Iggy Azalea contacted them over the video sent out. Which is shocking. Because anyone who follows Fameolous knows how often they post people asking them to take videos or posts down. Especially when D’Angelo’s in the press conference saying he wants to get to the bottom of this. Well, that would seem to be the first step, no? Reach out to the person with their hands on the video, and start retracing your steps? Speaks to the fact that Nick Young’s cheating was a very open secret, and that the video didn’t come as a surprise to people.


There’s an unwritten rule among teams, not just professional teams, where stuff said among teammates or in a locker room stays there. It gets stored deep in your brain, in the same spot with all the stuff you don’t want your parents to know. And you lock it there, and never let your mouth make the noises.

But shit happens. Life goes on. How are you a Lakers fan booing D’Angelo Russell? He’s your next super star, and you are such a stereotypical LA sports fan if you’re taking Nick Young’s side. He’s a 30 year old that calls himself Swaggy P. Dear goodness. That’s what angers me the most. D’Angelo messed up big time, and he needs to keep his crap in check from now on,take his shots from the media, and be shunned for a month. Fine. Past that? Move forward. Be professionals.  Go ahead and shoo him out of town though LA! There’s a whole NBA that would love him.

What angers Fameolous the most? How quickly people jumped to conclusions on the video. Including us. Stephen A. was on First Take saying D’Angelo leaked this, and it made sense to me. But Fameolous says that’s not the case. Not the case at all actually:

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Fameolous has no moral guilt. They carry no burden on their shoulders for what’s occurred. They’ve been to all the corners of America by this point, this being their biggest post of all time. From Yahoo Sports to Inside Edition to ESPN. Not that anyone wants to succeed off the demise of others, but I don’t think that’s how Fameolous feels. Their intentions were never to tear apart a man, a team, or a city. That’s clear.

Yes, blame D’Angelo for taping Nick Young if you want. Blame whoever got it from D’Angelo, who sent it, or Fameolous. Blame whoever you want to blame. But through all of history, there’s been one fool-proof way to ensure that your fiancee/girlfriend/boyfriend/husband/wife doesn’t know you cheated on them: don’t freaking cheat on them.


One thought on “D’angelo/Swaggy Saga Part 2: Fameolous Speaks Out

  1. ngl the whole “posted to snapchat not posted to snapchat” thing is pretty fishy in my eyes. Like, that seems like a big inconsistency in their story. Tbh, I personally agree with your analysis (that it is too long and probably didn’t actually come from snapchat), but I guess if somebody is going to figure out a way to post a prerecorded video to a story, that same person could figure out a way to post a 30 second video..?


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